Clonmel Old Church cemetery map

Photos and information provided courtesy of Allen Crosbie, Director,
Cóbh Genealogical Project (2012/11/07).
Clonmel cemetery section S dated graves.
Dated map of Section S
Graves without headstones not shown.

Section S from NW Corner, view B


Section S from NW Corner, view A
Panned slightly to RIGHT of preceding photo.

Section S from SW corner view B
Grassed-over path separating Sections S and P runs from lower left
of photo to the left of the cross-shaped headstone and beyond.

Section S from SW corner view A
A few steps forward and panned slightly to the Right of preceding photo.

North Side of gate lodge.
Moving forward and to the left towards the gate lodge shown in preceding photo.
Section L visible behind gate lodge.

Half tide on the beach at Culkinny facing West, with cars
parked on the quay which received the deceased Wends.