The Wendish Research Exchange


webmaster - 10-29-2011 at 05:42 PM

The names in this Forum represent many surnames of Wendish immigrants to Texas, USA. As provided by the works of Dr. George R. Nielsen.

The names are Wendish, and those who married into a Wendish family - like Mersiovsky. A list of surnames who were Wends or whose children became Wends. This is not a definitive list. This list is infinite, with many more which can be added. If you see a name that is a familiar family name, it might be the name of your ancestor, but upon examination it may prove to be one of your ancestral names - but not specifically an ancestor of yours.

For a quick example of the process noted below, click the family name of "Becker" and view the entries there.

Please click the family name that you are interested in learning more about. There will not be any information in many of these areas in the early days of this website (2012). If you have information to share, please do. Think of this list as the beginning of an interactive, collaborative roadmap. Not all of the answers are here, and you can easily assist others in their quests for information. If you know where requested information may be found, reply with a link to the web page where the information is available. Or reply with other information which may be helpful.

For example. If you are interested in an ancestor of the Becker family, click the Becker family name. Then, if you do not see any specific individual Becker names you are seeking:

1. Click the "New Topic" button located near the upper right side of the window.

2. Enter the "Subject" as the name of the person in this family that you are interested in. Perhaps something like "Johann Becker".

3. In the message area, one might enter "Please help me find a photo of Johann Becker's headstone, and the cemetery where he is interred. Thanks in advance if anyone can assist on this".

4. Check the box under the message window which says "Receive e-mail on Reply?".

5. Post your message by clicking "Post New Topic".

When someone replies in this Topic, you will receive a notification email to return to your Topic and read the reply. Hopefully the reply will be helpful. Something like:

"Feel free to visit the genealogy database of The Wendish Research Exchange. Much of what you are seeking may be found here:"

"Reply" with questions, anecdotes, comments, or whatever. Replies are to be made under Topics which are an individual's name. Please stay on topic. Spam and postings which are, in the opinion of The Wendish Research Exchange, deserving of removal will be deleted. We all enjoy freedom of speech, which means to us that you can say what you want within the framework of good taste and respect, otherwise we will have no choice but to invoke an appropriate response.