The Wendish Research Exchange

A. 243. The End of the War

mersiowsky - 9-5-2014 at 08:06 AM

(From Langpfoerstchen)
Translated by H. Melvin Symmank

I saw a sparrow fly,
His eyes shining;
I said: Good Evening, to him,
But it was broad daylight.

And he flew, he flew past
There in N. N's little garden
Roses are in the garden
Roses bloom in the little garden.

No one has been so bold,
That he plucked one.
Hans just plucked one rose
And beautiful Annette met him there.

And he took her by the hand,
He led her into the room,
He sat himself on the chair,
But Annette at the table.

‘Eat and drink, my dear little child,
Eat and drink now, little Anne.
Formerly you were my sweetheart,
Now you will be my wife.’

‘You have with the boys from Foerstgen
Led seven years war:
Now you must become mine,
Mine to be forever.’

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