The Wendish Research Exchange

14. At the time around St John’s Day (Z dychom swěteg’ Jana)

mersiowsky - 8-23-2015 at 07:56 AM

Words by Andrew Zeiler and Carl August Kocor
Original translation by Henry Jordan
English Translation by Martin Strauch
Music provided by Melvin Schiwart.
Wendish Research Exchange


1. Around St. John’s day blooms a wonderful flower,
the best/nicest of all, the queen of flowers,
the nicest of all, the queen of flowers.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, beautiful like my girl.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, for all our girls.

2. The opium-poppy is growing proudly,
but it cannot catch-up with you,
but it cannot catch-up with you.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, beautiful like my girl.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, for all our girls.

3. The gillyflowers´ blossom is opening,
but in vain it is trying to catch up with you,
but in vain it is trying to catch up with you.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, beautiful like my girl.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, for all our girls.

4. Violets are able to show wonderful colors,
but nonetheless there isn´t any adequate one,
but nonetheless there isn´t any adequate one.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, beautiful like my girl.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, for all our girls.

5. The mallow would very much like to be your sister,
but alas its attempts to catch-up with you are in vain,
but alas its attempts to catch-up with you are in vain.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, beautiful like my girl.
Oh, you most beautiful flower, for all our girls.

14. Z dychom swěteg’ Jana

Handrij Zeiler Korla Awgust Kocor
pśest. Hendrich Jordan

Moderato, měrnje zywje

1. Z dy-chom swě-teg' Ja-na kwi-śo lu-bo-sna
poł-na ro-ža red-na, ro-žow kra-low-ka,
pol-na ro-ža red-na, ro-žow kra-low-ka.
Aj, ty ro-ža lu-bo-sna, ak ta mó-ja nej-lub-ša.
Aj, wy ro-že lu-bo-sne za te na-še nej-lub-še.

2. Połny mak se šyri pšawje z gjardosću,
słabje pak se měri k twójom' rownjeśu,
słabje pak se měri k twójom' rownjeśu.
Aj, ty roža lubosna, ak ta mója nejlubša.
Aj, wy rože lubosne za te naše nejlubše.

3. Nalchenk, ten se puka z głowku šyrokej',
pódermo pak kuka, lěc śi rowny njej',
pódermo pak kuka, lěc śi rowny njej'.
Aj, ty roža lubosna, ak ta mója nejlubša.
Aj, wy rože lubosne za te naše nejlubše.

4. Somotki su rědne mjeńše kwětaški,
pódla rože bědne małe strusacki,
pódla rože bědne małe strusacki.
Aj, ty roža lubosna, ak ta mója nejlubša.
Aj, wy rože lubosne za te naše nejlubše.

5. Połna malwa łaka twója sotša byś,
pódermo pak caka tebje dogóniś.
pódermo pak caka tebje dogóniś.
Aj, ty roža lubosna, ak ta mója nejlubša.
Aj, wy rože lubosne za te naše nejlubše.

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