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197.000 H T Kilian Call from Bishop 28 Jan 1913 (95.013)

mersiowsky - 9-3-2015 at 09:36 AM

In the Name of Jesus. Amen

The Mission Commission of the Texas District of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other States herewith calls in the name and in behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Congregation in Bishop

Pastor H. T. Kilian as Pastor of the named congregation and missionary of the related region under the following conditions.

1. That he preach the Word of God in its truth and purity according to the Confessional Writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, administer the Sacraments according to Christ’s institution, and in all be led by God’s Word in his office, teaching and life.

2. That he be concerned about the individuals, visit the sick, comfort the afflicted, call back the erring, instruct the ignorant, in short, practice to be a faithful pastor.

3. Especially, take care of the youth and diligently instruct them in the saving doctrine.

4. That he not only serve the local congregation diligently, but also establish new preaching places, as he finds an opportunity.

5. That he regularly submits the required quarterly reports to the Mission Commission.

On their part, the Mission Commission promises to support him in word and deed in his difficult call, and for his physical needs to grant him accordingly an annual salary of $600.00.

What the missionary receives for the mission in collections and other contributions he is to report and record in his monthly statement to the treasurer.

Other incidentals remain the property of the missionary.

In the hope, that the Lord of the Church Himself will give him the joy to accept this call for the work of the mission and will continue to grant him His blessings, signed by the

Mission Commission
of the Texas District of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other States.

Giddings, Texas, January 28, 1913

197 HTKilian Call 28 Jan 1913.jpg - 192kB