The Wendish Research Exchange

03. Zerja so Šěrja - Twilight is Looming

mersiowsky - 10-19-2016 at 12:15 PM

3. Zerja so šěrja
(Evening, Home)

Written by Jakob Bart-Ćišinski
Music: Swjatočnje – Feierlich - z ludu - folk-tune

1. Ze-rja so šě-rja, błyšć w mró-če-lach mě-rja.
A wje-čor-na hwé-zda so za-swě-ća
A wje-čor-na hwé-zda so za-swě-ća.

2. Do Serbow wjedźe mje mysl a mi předźe
són; spicy pak modlu šćce za was so.
són; spicy pak modlu šćce za was so.

3. Božo, budź miły! Zdźerž strowy a čiły
do skónčenja časow mój serbski lud!
do skónčenja časow mój serbski lud!

4. K wušomaj bliži a do duše niži
so z njebjeskich hwězdow tón tajny hłós.
so z njebjeskich hwězdow tón tajny hłós.

5. Serbow chcu škitać, dóńž dźeń budźe switać!
Ja sytkuju ruce a změrom spju.
Ja sytkuju ruce a změrom spju.

3.Twilight is looming

Translated by Gerald Stone

1. Twilight is looming, contesting the lustre in the clouds.
And the evening star lights up.
And the evening star lights up.

A thought leads me to the Wends and weaves
A dream; but asleep I still pray for you.
A dream; but asleep I still pray for you.

O God, be merciful! Keep my Wendish people
Hale and healthy to the end of time!
Hale and healthy to the end of time!

There approaches my ears and dips to my soul
From the heavenly stars this comforting voice,
From the heavenly stars this comforting voice.

‘I shall protect the Wends till day breaks!’
I fold my hands and sleep in peace.
I fold my hands and sleep in peace.

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