The Wendish Research Exchange

Matthes Schelnik marriage to Maria Kolpe Zwahr

fhwissel - 8-28-2023 at 11:17 AM

According to Pastor Kilian's "Confirmation Records of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Serbin, Texas 1856 -2003", Maria Kolpe Zwahr married Matthes Schelnik between 1865 and 1866, though it could have been as early as 1855 since Andreas Zwahr died on 29 September 1855.

The confirmations records for Hanna (1859), Johann (1862), and Maria (1865); do not mention Matthes Schelnik. In the confirmation records, the first time Matthes Schelnik is recorded as "stepdaughter of Matthes Schelnik" is for Agnes Zwahr's
confirmation on March 25, 1866 and again for Christiana's confirmation on April 5, 1868. Can anyone tell me when Maria Zwahr and Matthes Shelnik were married?

Frank Wissel