The Wendish Research Exchange

Mernzel, Thomas: Differential Gender. Lexicalized Adjectives and Participles in Sorbian from the point of view of Gender...

mersiowsky - 12-6-2023 at 11:07 AM

Lětopis Abstract 2023:Thomas Menzel: Differential Gender. Lexicalized Adjectives and Participles in Sorbian from the point of view of Gender-Linguistic Preferences

When looking at the differential genders of adjectives and participles made into nouns, the only way of establishing the female/male gender of individual persons is by referring to gender-specific inflections. This allows for a symmetrical expression of gender differences, which corresponds to gender-linguistic preferences in a particular way. The extent of such nominalizations in the online lexicography of Lower and Upper Sorbian is examined in this study. We examine firstly whether these forms appear in gender pairs and how far they appear to be subject to gender-linguistic preferences. Secondly, using semantic and formal criteria, we examine whether they appear as loan translations from German and whether they would be able to transfer the gender-linguistic preferences of the major contact language into Sorbian. This process applies in both Sorbian languages to almost half the nominalizations. The present-day lexicography of Lower Sorbian works in a more regular way in relation to the gender pairing of nominalizations compared with Upper Sorbian online lexicography.