Grassyville in the News by Weldon Mersiovsky

The following news items were extracted from the appropriate newspapers that were found on the Portal to Texas History from 1878 to 1909. There are many more.

The Daily Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 3, No. 151, Ed. 1 Tuesday, June 25, 1878

Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 26, Ed. 1, Friday, June 28, 1878

State News

– A flour mill has been started at Grassyville about nine miles from Giddings and is making an excellent quality of flour.

Fort Worth Weekly Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 17, No. 34, Ed. 1, Friday, August 12, 1887

The Galveston Daily News. (Galveston, Tex.), Vol. 46, No. 111, Ed. 1 Monday, August 15, 1887

Postal Notes.

George A. Hempel has been commissioned as postmaster at Grassyville.

The Galveston Daily News. (Galveston, Tex.), Vol. 47, No. 207, Ed. 1 Tuesday, November 20, 1888


The following appointments were made by Bishop Duncan at the closing session of the German Methodist conference Saturday evening:

Central District – Presiding elder, J. H. Schoper; Houston station, F. Vordenbaumer; Houston mission, to be filled; Belville mission, D. Schrimpf; Industry mission, W. W. Weise; Long Prairie mission, G. Mueller; Grassyville circuit, S. A. Shofer; Bastrop and Giddings, to be filled; Williamson mission, to be filled.

The next session will be at Cuero.

The Galveston Daily News. (Galveston, Tex.), Vol. 52, No. 217, Ed. 1 Thursday, October 26, 1893

Weather and Crops

Grassyville, Tex. – Quite a number of the people in Grassyville are compelled to water their cattle, and a great many have to haul water to drink. The weather is pleasant, except the mornings are somewhat cold.

The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 46, No. 21, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 6, 1898



One of the pleasantest weddings ever celebrated in Grassyville, came at the quiet attractive residence of Mr John Behrens, on Wednesday august the 3rd. The contracting parties were Miss Bertha Behrens and Mr Otto Koihm, of East Bernard.

The bride, a highly respected and well accomplished young lady, is one of Grassyville’s prettiest roses. She was beautifully attired in white. Her graceful manners and affectionate greeting that she exercised to all her relatives and many chosen friends, made her the center of attraction and admiration. It was sad that her health failed from over-exertion in making the proper preparation for the occasion; yet, she was able to be up most of the time.

The groom is a bright, energetic prosperous young farmer, of East Bernard. He is to be congratulated for having made such a wise choice for his companion, who is to share with him the burdens and pleasures of life.

Relatives and friends began to gather in the forenoon. Precisely at 12 m., a sumptuous wedding feast was spread. To describe the same would occupy too much space. In short, everybody seemed to have his appetite stimulated by the mere sight of the many varieties of victuals. All united in praise of their high quality.

At 1:30 p.m. the ceremony was performed by Rev. G. Mueller, of the M. E. Church South, of East Bernard. With the reading of the 23rd Psalm and a few appropriate words of exhortation to accept Christ as their leader, and live according to his precept, Rev. Mueller tied the nuptial knot. After the ceremony was over, the young couple were surprised by the many valuable presents that were offered them. After the presentation, the numerous guests continued in the art of merrymaking till 3 o’clock in the morning. In all the wedding was one such as Christians delight to participate in. Good religious music, which was usually accompanied by the beautiful rich voices of the ladies and gentlemen, was furnished by Prof. Robt Moerner and Messrs. Hy Stuessy and Ed Dalchau.        C. B.

The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 51, No. 32, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 17, 1903

Grassyville Gleanings

The weather seems more favorable for rain the last few days, and we would like to see it rain. the country is getting dry nd water is getting quite low.

Mr George Hempell has been, for the last two weeks and is still quite sick.

Miss Della Eisenbach, who has been quite sick, has fairly recovered.

Prof. August Kranter, of Llano arrived a few days ago and is visiting his uncle, Mr George Hempel. He will teach the Grassyville school for the next session.

Miss Bettie Hempel, after spending a few weeks at home, left last Wednesday for Llano, where she expects to spend a few months.

Miss Emilie Hempel returned from Paige last week, where she has been staying with Ed. Burgdorf’s family.

Mr Willie Kunkel and family moved to Paige last week, where they will run a boarding house.

Miss Bettie Kunkel went to Paige last week, to stay with her brother, Mr Willie Kunkel and family.

Our farmers are busy picking the few bolls of cotton that Mr. Bollweevel has allowed them to have.

Miss Amalie Hempel returned from Giddings last Saturday.

Mr John Behrends went to the city of Austin, on business, Monday.

We had a few little showers on Munday but not enough.


The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 54, No. 37, Ed. 1 Saturday, December 8, 1906

Purely Personal

Alf Jung and family spent Thanksgiving Day with Miss Julia Jung at Grassyville.

The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 55, No. 40, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 11, 1908


M. Dalchau, of Grassyville, was in the city, Tuesday.

The Bastrop Advertiser (Bastrop, Tex.), Vol. 56, No. 30, Ed. 1 Saturday, October 31, 1908


Sunday, October 4, Mr Chas. Kreidell, formerly of Paige, but now of Smithville, and Miss Lizzie Franz, of Grassyville, were quietly united in the bonds of matrimony, Justice Ed. C. Burgdorf performing the ceremony. Their many friends wish them abundant happiness and prosperity all along with their journey together, with never a wave of sorrow or trouble to flow athwart their pathway, is the wish of the writer and myriads of friends.

The Houston Post. (Houston, Tex.), Vol. 25TH YEAR, No. 27, Ed. 1 Sunday, September 5, 1909


Monday evening at 5 o’clock J. A. Hamff of this place and Miss Ella Goerner, near Bastrop, were married at the Grassyville church, Rev. F. J. Koch officiating.