The Absalom Delaplain League

In early 1855 the Wends who had arrived in Galveston on the Ben Nevis the previous December struck a deal with Absalom C. Delaplain to purchase the league of land he owned in what was then Bastrop County. Delaplain had arrived in Texas twenty years earlier, just prior to the beginning of the Texas Revolution. The documents below tell the story of Delaplain and his family, and the purchase of his league of land by the Wends.

Visit the Texas Government Land Office web site to purchase the map of the Delaplain League shown below [view full size image]. This map shows the Delaplain League and the original parcels deeded to its first Wendish settlers.

The Delaplain League can also be visualized using Google Earth thanks to the work of Mr. Terry Smith. His attention to detail, and his efforts to create this informational overlay which contains a plethora of facts makes the tract come to life! This file and its content are copyright 2011 by The Texas Wendish Heritage Society, and may not be used for commercial purposes or for personal gain. 

If you have Google Earth already loaded on your computer, click this link to either run or save the file required to view the tracts. Click on the tracts for further data.