Out to Kasper’s Place

This article of unknown authorship appeared in the Giddings Star, on November 9, 1945.

Out to Kasper’s Place

Teacher L. O. Kasper of St Paul’s Lutheran School of Serbin recently invited Mr. Ed. Kilman of Houston, editor of The Houston Post, to Serbin.

In accepting the invitation, Mr. Kilman, an old acquaintance of Mr. Kasper, has this to say – editorially ­ in The Houston Post:

“This is a good place to exit. So, adios for now. We’re heading out to L. O. Kasper’s place, 4.7 miles east south-east of the junction of the two Bullfrog creeks and 3.1 miles south-southeast of where old Rabbs creek and the second Bullfrog join, but on the other side, and about six miles below the little red schoolhouse down the road, or a little better than 27 miles on a bee-line straight south of Tanglewood – in the general direction of Giddings.”

Those are the directions Mr. Kasper gives us. But it’s worth all the trouble, for all the enticements he offers. Such as:

“It’s nice out here. Plenty of grass and water, for the dumb kine to change into milk, butter, buttermilk, home-made ice cream; lots of pretty wild flowers for your joy and amusement – and for the honey bees to supply you with sweet honey, plus a sure cure remedy for rheumatic pains – if you let them sting you (Doctor Foster of Northrup said so 44 years ago and I can substantiate it today); salted sprats – and The Houston Post for up-to-date news and illuminating editorials. They all combine to make one 63 years young instead of 41 years old.