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Wendish History & Culture

Wendish Genealogy

Upper & Lower Sorbian Languages
The Absalom Delaplain League
In December 1854, Pastor John Kilian and the Wends who had called him as their pastor arrived in Galveston, Texas. Three more months would pass before they were able to acquire land, though. After a hard winter in Houston, the group finally received ownership of the Absalom Delaplain League in what is modern-day Lee County on March 20, 1855. Click below to learn more about the Delaplain League and its history. Copies of the map shown are also available for purchase from the Texas Government Land Office.

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Be sure to visit the following links and learn more about Dr. Peter Barker, Dr. Gerald Stone
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Online Lee County Records
Civil War: Wends in Waul’s Texas Legion
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Short Wendish Lessons by Charles Wukasch
The Most Recent Rumplich Story