Luther’s "Christian Guide for Each Day"

16 March

We know that the Law is spiritual. Romans 7:14.

God’s commandment calls not only for outward essence and appearance, rather it grabs into the heart and requires perfect obedience of it. Therefore it also not only requires of a person external change and conduct, but also internal change from the bottom of one’s heart; however the world does not pay attention to such nor does it have any respect for such; for it knows of nothing other than public, outward sin, murder, adultery, theft and whatever else the jurists call sin and punish, but the true nodes and roots of the them, e.g., such as contempt of God, inherited inward impurity of the heart, disobedience towards God’s will, etc., they do not recognize and see, all of which of course are in and remain in all humans beings who have not been sanctified by Christ.   

God uses my feeble mind to grind out another one of my ‘sloppy translations’ … this one has me chanting David’s Psalm 51:10 … Create in me a clean heart of God, and renew a right spirit within me. God is faithful!

Elmer H.


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