Luther’s "Christian Guide for Each Day"

25 March

Day of the Annunciation to Mary

Mary said: Look, I am the Lord’s maid; let it happen as you have said. Luke 1:38.

The Blessed Virgin would never have received the Son of God, if she had not believed the announcement of the angel, had it not happened that she said: Let it happen to me as you have said, – like she praised Elizabeth: Blessed are you who have believed, for it will happen to you what has been told you from the Lord. It’s a miracle that this virgin’s heart could believe this unbelievable (announcement),that she of herself, i.e., without a man, was to become a mother, indeed a mother of such a great King Who is the Son of the most High, and that she despised herself and was quite miserable about how could she understand this? But the Holy Spirit overshadowed her. “Look, I am the Lord’s maid.” I consent to you in this matter. As soon as she said that, she became a mother, and something unusual happened to her like to no other woman. Such power of faith that could believe the words of the angel is no less a wonder than the incarnation of the Word Himself.

And so the Word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth!  Nine month’s from this day we’ll joyfully commemorate the birth of our Savior – Christ the Lord!  He even came to save a wretch like me! O Holy Spirit, grant me such a faith like Mary’s!

In Him, 

Elmer H.


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