Wendish Inventors

Did you know that Andreas Mattijetz, a Wend, was an inventor? Neither did I and he was my great grandfather (my mother’s paternal grandfather). Thanks to Weldon Mersiovsky and Kathe Richards of the Wendish Research Exchange, I found out Andreas was awarded six patents!

Weldon Mersiovsky and I had been corresponding with each other through email about various relatives of ours for several months, when Weldon forwarded an email to me he had received from Kathe Richards. Kathe’s email stated that she had ‘googled’ Andreas Mattijetz and found he had several patents. I did my own google search and found six patents. After I had shared the information with Weldon he asked me if I would like to write an article about Andreas and his patents. I was excited to do so and with Weldon’s help, and the help of George Nielsen, I wrote an article that was printed in the Texas Wendish Heritage Society Newsletter. To read the article and to see what Andreas Mattijetz looked like, and to find out what happened after the article was published, click on the link below.

andreas-mattijetz_1.pdf and andreas-mattijetz-inventor-rev-3.pdf

The first pdf file contains a picture of Andreas Mattijetz that was given to me by Mrs. Pat Dube Haubrich after she had read the article. The second pdf file is the article I wrote for the TWHS Newsletter with an update at the end giving additional information I learned since writing the article.


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