Andreas Mattijetz’ Baling-Press Patents

Andreas Mattijetz’ first three patents were for a baling-press. His first design was awarded a patent in 1888. In 1890, Andreas redesigned the baling-press and was awarded his second patent. Andreas was evidently not completely happy with his baling-press design as he modified the 1890 design and was awarded his third baling-press patent in 1892. With these three patents, Andreas showcased his love for farming and his skills as a mechanical engineer.

On November 29, 1887, Andreas Mattijetz filed his first patent application to be accepted by the U. S. Patent Office. It is not known if Andreas had filed for any patents prior to this one. This filing was for a Baling-Press “of his own design”. A patent was awarded to Andreas on April 10, 1888. A copy of this patent can be seen in the file below.


A little bit more than a year after Andreas was awarded his first patent he filed for his second patent, on August 14, 1889. This was a redesign of his first patented baling-press and had three main objectives. The first objective was to more rapidly bale the hay, the second was to also make it easier to transport the power for the baling-press and the third objective was to be able to produce bales of different sizes. A patent was awarded to Andreas Mattijetz for this design on February 25, 1890. You can view this patent in the file below.


It seems like Andreas was still not satisifed with his baling-press design. So, on April 15, 1891 Andreas filed another patent application for an improved design of his 1890 patented baling-press. This was stated to be “very effective in operation, and more especially designed for rapidly and conveniently baling hay and like material into large or small bales”. This last baling-press design was awarded a patent on March 15, 1892 and can be found in the file below.



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