Wendish Inventors (To be continued)

After the TWHS printed my article on Andreas Matthijetz’s patents, Weldon Mersiovsky cotacted me and asked for my help.  A reader of the article had told Weldon that she thought that a relative of hers had been awarded a patent for a cotton press and wanted to find it.  Weldon asked me if I could help her out.  I agreed, and after some research I found the patent and contacted the family.  The family has agreed to give me some family history in the coming weeks.  Once I get that information, I will post it on this blog with the family’s permission. 

I am interested in hearing more about Wendish inventions so if anyone has any information about patents by Wendish relatives, I would love to hear from you.  I will post the information on this blog if you are willing to share the information with others.  You can contact me by commenting on any of my blog posts.


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