My mother-in-law was a very elegant lady, much more refined than any of the wonderful Wendish women I grew up with. The Wendish ladies wore sun bonnets and dresses sometimes made of flour sacks. After my wife’s mother died, we inherited huge stacks of photos of elegant ladies, all in elegant, often formal attire. These were friends or relatives of my mother-in-law and her sister, both having graduated from Baylor. Since my discovery of these photos, I have done dozens and dozens of “elegant ladies” sketches and water color paintings, most based on photos taken in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. I continue to do “elegant ladies” sketches, including ones of both my daughters.
Lady of Modesty
Refined Ladies from New Orleans in the Roaring Twenties
ElegantLadies Eating Watermelons on Galveston Beach in the Roaring Twenties
Baylor Girls in the Roaring Twenties
Elegant Lady #1
Elegant Lady #2
Elegant lady #3
Elegant Lady #4