Let A Little Sunshine Into Your Life

This article by Ray Spitzenberger first appeared in IMAGES for February 17,2022 East Bernard Express, East Bernard, Texas.

      The last 2 1/6 years have been very difficult for folks everywhere, — COVID, COVID-related issues in public schools, increasing crime, unrest and riots, looting, harsh political rhetoric, severe weather conditions, international emergencies, etc.  I can’t remember a time when I have felt more stressed, anxious, and fearful, longing for the peace and serenity of good years past.  Even optimists are having trouble dealing with all this.

      While my faith in God keeps me from cratering and throwing in the towel, I, like everyone else, need to turn off the news and open up to the simple joys of life, letting some sunlight into my life.

      No doubt that’s why God gave us many kinds of good music, delicious foods, funny plays and movies, and special days like Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, Etc.

      I like to turn off the news and listen to some good German, Czech, or Mexican polka music, music that really stirs my old-fashioned heart!  I also enjoy listening to classical music, depending on my mood.  Polkas offer a little more sunshine for my mental health.

      My friends who are mobile were able to attend one or more Oktoberfest Fest celebrations this past October, as quite a few were held once again in 2021.  Oompah-pa and German sausage will lighten up any gloomy day!

      Being talented in the use of the oven, my wife brings simple joy to folks with her baking skills, — Sunday, it was chocolate cake decorated to look like a football for the party at the church.  And Monday, it was an alluring angel food Valentine’s cake!  Light-hearted moments came when the two slabs of cake didn’t want to consolidate into the formation of a football.  And the countertop got dyed green along with the coconut grass surrounding the football.  Silly things to chuckle about!  Fun days to enjoy, bringing sunshine to the soul!

      Martin Luther once said that even if the End of Times were going to happen next week, he would still be about planting his apple trees.  Well, the End of Times isn’t happening next week, and we shouldn’t let these gloomy days we’re living in stop us from enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

      Why not savor the pleasures of eating buffalo wings and chips and dips while watching the Rams beat the Bengals!  Why not celebrate Valentine’s Day like you did when you were a kid!  Your favorite music is just a click away!

      And, of course, there’s Mardi Gras, which started with Twelfth Night, coming soon.  My wife and I used to host an annual Twelfth Night party, which, in New Orleans, would launch a series of parties, the next host determined by who got the little doll in the King’s cake.  Simple fun in good times, and inner sunshine in bad times!

      It is so easy to let stress, anxiety, and fear sideline us, especially in terrible times, so I like to find simple ways to let sunshine into my life.  


Ray Spitzenberger is a retired WCJC teacher, a retired LCMS pastor, and author of three books, It Must Be the Noodles, Open Prairies, and Tanka Schoen.

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