Luther’s "Christian Guide for Each Day"

27 March

It was also proclaimed to us just like to them, however the Word of the message did not help those who did not believe the good news they heard. Hebrews 4:2.

When I hear that Jesus Christ died for me, took away my sin and won heaven for me, I am hearing the good news. The words soon disappear as one preaches them; however, when it falls into the heart and is seized with faith, it then can never fall away. No creature is able to overturn this truth; the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. And if I were to get stuck in the devil’s throat, I can seize the Word, thus I have to be released and remain where the Word remains. 

This one has me singing Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress is our God …..v. 3:

“Tho’ devils all the world should fill,

All eager to devour us,

We tremble not, we fear no ill, 

They shall not overpow’r us. 

This world’s prince may still Scowl fierce as he will, 

He can harm us none, He’s judged; the deed is done; 

One little word can fell him.”

Clinging to Christ by faith,

Elmer H.


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