Glenn Pittsford

Wendish Lutheran Aggie Glenn Pittsford lives in College Station, Texas with his wife Wanda. He is a retired charitable gift planner, having served people for 30 years through the Lutheran Foundation of Texas (now Legacy Deo) and the Texas A&M Foundation. He has a keen interest in people, families and history. Glenn’s blogs will all be bits of information on his own family, all designed to get the reader to remember and record their own family history and details. Glenn has Wendish heritage on three sides of his grandparents. Pittsford is believed to be Welsh. Wends on his father’s side include- Michalk, Tschatschula and Krakosky. Wends on his mothers side include- Teinert, Hempel. Mathias, Kurio, and Kloss. Glenn once heard Jack Wiederhold say, as Glenn and his grandsons were volunteering at the Texas Wendish Heritage Society museum, “We are very fortunate to have this museum with its artifacts and family genealogies. What we lost are the rich human interest stories from all the old ones.” This is Glenn’s attempt to preserve what he and his relatives remember from our own interaction with our parents and grandparents who personally knew their ancestors who came to Texas from Lusatia. Glenn is very thankful for the dedication and valuable work of Jack and Marian Wiederhold, Weldon Mersiovsky and others. They and many others began and are continually working to preserve our heritage for our future generations to know and appreciate. "A people who do not hold in reverence the splendid achievements of their ancestors will not of themselves accomplish anything to be remembered of posterity. We must keep an eye on the shrines of yesterday if we would rock aright the cradles of tomorrow," Pat Neff, Governor of Texas 18 January, 1921 to 20 January, 1925

Scandinavian Wends?

Often I find myself researching online for Wendish, Sorbian, Upper Lusatian history and discoveries.  Instead of watching TV.  I find the research and study much more interesting.  Some time ago I began receiving scholarly articles from a source called Academia.  One such article especially caught my attention.  Because several generations in our family have done the DNA testing, we

Scandinavian Wends? Read More »