Dave Oliphant, Poet

Serbin and its historic old LCMS church have always held a special place in my heart. My maternal great grandparents lived in Serbin in the 1870’s and were active members at St. Paul’s. Dave Oliphant is a well-known and highly acclaimed Texas poet whose poetry I have been familiar with for many years, but it was only recently that I discovered his poem about Serbin. Although many of us with Wendish ancestors have written about our Wendish roots, it was exciting for me to discover an “outsider” writing with such lucidity about our Sorbische heritage.  – Ray Spitzenberger


Dave Oliphant’s poem, “Serbin,” is included in a book of his poems, titled Memories of Texas Towns and Cities. ISBN: 978-0-924047. It was copyrighted and published in 2000 by HOST Publications, Inc, 3507 North Lamar Blvd, P. O. Box 302920, Austin, TX 78703. Oliphant began Memories of Texas Towns and Cities in the autumn of 1974 and finished

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