Weldon Mersiovsky

Warda, Texas January 6, 1906

Esteemed Readers of the Volksblatt!                 Since my last correspondence was rained out, I want to, at this time, submit a few lines, although I don’t have much too write about.                 The Christmas holidays were very pleasant. There was good weather, so everyone could enjoy the holidays.                 During the holidays, Mr. Traugott Winzer […]

Warda, Texas January 6, 1906 Read More »

Warda, Texas March 1, 1906

Valued reader!                 A few lines from here again for you to read and ponder.                 Mr Friedrich Schur, with family, has left this week in order to try his luck in Williamson County.                 Mr Curt Guendel, with his special young bride, made a honeymoon stop here in Warda to visit his brothers.                

Warda, Texas March 1, 1906 Read More »

Warda, Texas February 7, 1907

Valued Volksblatt Reader!                 A few lines from here again ready for you to read.                 Since last Friday we have had pretty good weather, nevertheless we still are not getting any rain. It appears almost as if it is not able to rain here…but hopefully it will happen sometime.                 Since my last writing,

Warda, Texas February 7, 1907 Read More »

Warda, Texas December 12, 1907

Esteemed Reader!                 The reason I am reaching for my pen is that I would like to convey some news before it is forgotten.                 A few days ago, the rain subsided, and the sun came out again. One wishes the beautiful weather would stay, otherwise the roads will become totally unsurpassable, because one hears

Warda, Texas December 12, 1907 Read More »