Another Account of the 1854 Migration

Until now we had only four accounts of the 1854 migration written by individuals who were participants.

1. Pastor Johann Kilian left his collection of a diary, letters, and notes. (See the TWHS Newsletter of October 2012 “Death on the Irish Sea.

2. A German, August Haak, also wrote an account of his experiences, which Dr. Joseph Wilson published in the Journal of the German-Texas Heritage Society and subsequently appeared in A Collection of Histories of St Paul Lutheran Church, Serbin, Texas in commemoration of the congregations 150th anniversary in 2003.

3. A third source of information was a letter written by Johann Sommer, also printed in the January 2002 issue of the TWHS Newsletter.

4. And the fouirth is a letter (Ein Brief) written by Johann Teinert many years after the actual voyage.

Now, thanks to the work of Marilyn Luce Miertschin Nickelsburg we have a fifth source – an account written by Johann Kieschnick.

Marilyn Nickelsburg traces her Wendish ties to the Kieschnick and Miertschin families, and has done extensive work on the Miertschin family. A fourth-generation Wend, she was born in Texas (Ft. Worth) but lived in other states – separated from Wendish connections. She married George W. Nickelsburg, a pastor who became professor of religious studies at the University of Iowa. They are now retired and reside in Washington.

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